User's Manual

11.6 Configuring the Store/Charge/
Off-Line and On-Line modes
The GigaControl software has the ability to store model configu-
rations on your computer which can then be directly copied into a
Weatronic R/C system. There are two methods:
Offline programming, with this option a weatronic
system does not have to be connected to the computer.
Online programming, when a weatronic system is con-
nected to the computer. Using this option will write the
settings directly to the transmitter and receiver.
Under the option ‘File’, a ‘New model file’ can be created, a con-
figuration can be loaded from the PC (‘File load’) or the current
setting can be stored (‘File save’).
If the GigaControl software contains a configuration you will recei-
ve a warning asking you if you want to over-write the setting or to
abort and retain the current values.
Warning if no weatronic transmitter module is connected. (Off-
Line mode)
This warning message will appear if a weatronic R/C system is
connected to the computer and switched on.
12 Indemnity Statement/Com-
pensation-Warranty Claims
As the company weatronic GmbH has no influence over the use,
installation, maintenance or conditions under which any of its
products will operate, we accept no responsibility for any damage
caused be it of a physical, financial or theoretical nature. Weatro-
nic GmbH will accept no claim against it which results directly or
indirectly from the operation or use of its products.
Your statutory rights apply, any claim made against us will be
based solely on the retail price of the product and limited to our
(weatronic GmbH) products only.