User's Manual

WebEye WebEye B101B101
User’s Guide
3) Verifying Installation
After successfully completing the above procedures, the following message (or similar) will appear on the
Request timed out
Request timed out
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=255
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milliseconds:
Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 2ms, Average = 1ms
If the above “ping” reply does not appear, press 'F3' and 'Enter' keys. Normally Request timed out me ssages
appear 7 times before reply ing properly.
Once the above “ping” reply appears press <Ctrl>+<C> keys to make it stop.
When the “ping” reply stops, data loss may range from 0% to 99%. This is normal. If the statistic shows
100% loss, check the following criterions: (a) network line and connection status are stable; (b) IP address
assigned to WebEye is available; (c) PC and WebEye have the same local network IP address. Same local IP
address of C grade network means that first 3 sets of numbers are the same but the fourth set is different. For
example and are in the same local network. (If there is a ‘Network Mask on the
network, this can be a n exception. For detailed information on IP, refer to appendix 3)
VI. Accessing WebEye Homepage & Monitoring Real-time Image
After assigning WebEye an IP address, you may access WebEye B101 and monitor real-time image on
Internet. However you may not access its Homepage on remote network until assigning other addressees like
gateway address, subnet mask, broadcast address properly.
1. Starting Web browser
Start your web browser and enter your WebEye IP address. Then you can see a build-in homepage of WebEye.
WebEye supports up to 100 users simultaneously. If a person tries to access WebEye as the 101
user, one
cannot receive any image but will see a message of user counter on upper right side of homepage as
Connected Client#: 100
2. Login page
1) ID and password
To verify registered WebEye users, there is a Login page. If you are to connect to WebEye, you should follow
login procedures.