User's Manual

Flying Tips & Features
Craft will perform ip in the
desired direction.
Press the Flip button then move the
Right Control Stick in any direction.
Headless Mode
Headless Mode disables the default orientation of the craft, where the red LEDs and
rotors indicate the front of the craft. Instead, the craft will reorient its “front” based
on the rst Right Control Stick input from the user. This can be useful if you become
disoriented while ying, or cannot visually determine which direction is “true front”.
To activate Headless Mode, press the Right Control Stick once. Press again to
deactivate Headless Mode. A chime will sound to indicate when Headless Mode is
active or inactive.
Flips & Tricks
Before attempting any stunts, be sure that there is ample clear space around the
craft, ideally 9 to 10 ft. in every direction. It is not recommended to attempt to ip
around or through any obstacles, as this may result in unintended damage.
To perform a ip, follow the diagram below.
To enable Auto-Reverse, press the Left Control Stick once. The remote will emit a
chime, and the craft will begin ying in the reverse of the direction it was originally
ying. Throttle control will still function, but any directional change from the Right
Control Stick will disable Auto-Reverse ight.