Approval/Certificate/Document of Conformity

Job Id: 262.1-013320-4
Certificate No: TAA000019C
Revision No: 1
Form code: TA 251
Revision: 2016-12
Page 3 of 3
To satisfy the class requirements for power supply variations, the units are to be installed with a power
supply of approved type.
Ex-certification is not covered by this certificate. Application in hazardous area to be approved in each
case according to the Rules and Ex-Certification / Special Condition for Safe Use listed in valid Ex-
certificate issued by a notified/recognized Certification Body.
Type Approval documentation
Tests carried out
Applicable tests according to Standard for Certification No. 2.4, April 2006.
Marking of product
The products to be marked with:
manufacturer name Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG
device name as listed under Product description
order number
unique serial number.
Periodical assessment
The scope of the periodical assessment is to verify that the conditions stipulated for the type are
complied with, and that no alterations are made to the product design or choice of systems, software
versions, components and/or materials.
The main elements of the assessment are:
Ensure that type approved documentation is available
Inspection of factory samples, selected at random from the production line (where practicable)
Review of production and inspection routines, including test records from product sample tests and
control routines
Ensuring that systems, software versions, components and/or materials used comply with type
approved documents and/or referenced system, software, component and material specifications
Review of possible changes in design of systems, software versions, components, materials and/or
performance, and make sure that such changes do not affect the type approval given
Ensuring traceability between manufacturer’s product type marking and the type approval certificate
Periodical assessment is to be performed at least every second year and at renewal of this certificate.