User Documentation

Supported operating systems – ecoExplorer go windows
Die Angabe „MatNr/Version/Datum“ bzw. „1234560000/00/MM.YY“ ist als Textvariable deniert
und kann nur auf der „Rueckseite“ editiert werden. Die Textvariable erscheint in allen Doku-
menten dieses Buches, sobald eine Synchronisierung des gesamten Buches(!) durchgeführt
wird. ACHTUNG Die „Rueckseite” muss als Formatquelle(!) ausgewählt sein!
3.3.13 Report overview window
Representation of saved tasks used in the preparation of reports. Reports can be prepared, saved and
planned in the project window with the selection of a report group.
• Execute report
A report preparation assistant starts after a quality control or cost report is selected in the project window
using “Execute”. The report is displayed in a preview window.
• Save report
A report preparation assistant starts after a quality control or cost report is selected in the project window
using Saving a report. The task is then saved under any chosen name and appears under the report
group in the project window.
• Schedule report
Saved report tasks can be automated using a time plan with the “Schedule” button (schedules).
NOTE: Saved reports can be viewed using the File window in the “Reports” folder.
Fig.: Report overview