Approval/Certificate/Document of Conformity

IBExU Institut für Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
An-Institut der TU Bergakademie Freiberg
according 10 Direclive 94/9/EC, Annex 111
[2] Equipmenl and Proleclive Syslem inlended lor use
in Polenlially Explosive Almospheres, Direclive 94/9/EC
EC-Type Examinalion Certificale Number:
Junction Enclosure
Type Klippon K
Weidmüller Inlerface GmbH
Co. KG
Klingenbergstr. 16
32758 Delmold
[7J The design 01 lhe equipmenl menlioned in [4] and any acceplable varialion lhereto are specified in
lhe schedule 10lhis EC-Type Examinalion Certilicale.
[8] IBExU Inslilul für Sicherheilslechnik GmbH, NOTIFIED BODY number 0637 in accordance wilh
article 9 01 lhe Council Direclive 94/9/EC 0123 March 1994, certilies lhallhe equipmenl menlioned
in [4] has been lound 10 comply with lhe Essenlial Heallh and Salely Requiremenls relaling to lhe
design and conslruclion 01 equipmenl inlended lor use in polenlially explosive almospheres given
in Annex 1110lhe Direclive.
The lesl resulls are recorded in lhe lesl report IB-11-3-231 0119 December 2012.
[9] Compliance wilh lhe Essenlial Heallh and Salely Requiremenls has been assured by compliance
wilh IEC 60079-0:2011, EN 60079-7:2007, EN 60079-11 :2012 and EN 60079-31 :2009.
[10] II lhe sign "X" is placed after lhe certificale number, il indicales lhat lhe equipmenl is subjecllo
special condilions lor sale use specilied under [17J in lhe schedule 10 lhis EC-Type Examinalion
[11] This EC-Type Examinalion Certilicale relales only 10 lhe design and conslruclion 01 lhe specified
equipmenl. II applicable, lurther requiremenls ollhis direclive apply 10 lhe manulaclure and supply
01this equipmenl.
[12] The marking 01lhe equipmenl mentioned in [4] shall include one 01lhe lollowing:
~ 112G Ex e IIC T6 .•.T4 Gb or 112G Ex eb IIC T6 T4
~ 112G Ex ia IIC T6 T4 Gb or 112G Ex ia IIC T6 T4
~ 112(1)G Ex e ia IIC T6 T4 Gb or 112(1)G Ex eb ia IIC T6 T4
~ 1120 Ex t IIIC T 85'C ... 135·C Db or 1120 Ex tb IIIC T 85 ·C 135·C
-60'C:5 T,:5 +40 'C/+55 'C/+90
Aulhorised lor certilicalions
-Explosion proleclion-
By order
(Dr. Wagner)
- Seal-
0637 )
Freiberg, 19 December 2012
Certificates without signature
and seal are not valid.
Certificates may only be
duplicated completely and
unchanged. In ease of dis-
pute. the German text shall
1 01 3

Summary of content (3 pages)