User Documentation

TTA Set software
Digital output parameters
Alarm output Function
The alarm is disabled.
Low Type
The alarm is switched on, if the input value is lower than the setpoint.
High Type
The alarm is switched on, if the input value is higher than the setpoint.
The alarm is switched on, if the input value is outside the window value:
window range = setpoint ± window value
e.g.: setpoint 40%, window 10% = window value is from 30-50%.
Input Error
If an input or WAVE TTA error occurs the output is set to this value.
The alarm relay is activated after power on.
Function cir-
Alarm Relay Normally energised No alarm Alarm
Coil on Coil off
Normally de-energised No alarm Alarm
Coil off Coil on
Settings Setpoint This is the relay switch on value 0…100%
Deadband Switch off hysteresis in percent
e.g. high type, setpoint 50% and deadband 2%: the alarm switches on if
the value reaches 50% and switches off if the value decreases to 48%.
ON Delay Switch on delay in seconds
In 0.1 second steps
OFF Delay Switch off delay in seconds
In 0.1 second steps
Window Set a range around the Setpoint in percent