Install Instructions

Part Number 550-110-639/0512
EGH Gas-firEd boilErssEriEs 4 — boilEr manual
Spill switch installation
EG-30 EG-75 and PEG-30 – PEG-65 boilers only,
fasten spill switch to draft hood as shown on page 34,
Drawing Ref. Letter “K”. Connect wires as shown in the
appropriate Control Supplement.
Damper installation
If damper will be installed, see Control Supplement for
Breeching erection
Connect from draft hood or damper outlet to chimney
or vent with same size breeching. Where possible, verti-
cal venting to the outside from draft hood or damper
outlet will offer best performance. Where horizontal
breeching is used, slope upward at least 1/4 inch per
lineal foot toward chimney or vent and support with
hangers to prevent sagging.
A vertical height of 3 feet to 5 feet of
breeching before any elbow or horizon-
tal breeching is recommended to reduce
chances of flue gas spillage at draft hood
on EGH-95 thru -125 boilers (not re-
stricted on any EG or EGH-85). Long
horizontal breechings, excessive numbers
of elbows or tees, or other obstructions
which restrict the flow of combustion
gases should be avoided.
Breeching must not be connected to any portion of
a mechanical draft system operating under positive
Jacket installation (Factory installed on PEG)
1. Remove the proper knockout discs from panels as
shown in Table 4, page 10.
Tankless and storage heater knockouts
must be removed for EG and EGH boil-
ers with optional tankless heaters prior to
jacket installation.
2. Follow Jacket Instructions in jacket carton.
Draft hood installation
Attach draft hood to flue collector hood using #10 x
1/2” sheet metal screws provided. Use boiler cement
furnished to provide gas tight seal.
Failure to maintain gas-tight seal can cause
flue gas spillage and carbon monoxide
emissions, resulting in severe personal
injury or death.
Do not alter boiler draft hood or place
any obstruction or non-approved damper
in the breeching or vent system. CSA
certification will become void. Flue gas
spillage and carbon monoxide emissions
will occur causing severe personal injury
or death.
Figure 12 Draft hood
Prepare the boiler (continued)
Seal across back of
block assembly with
boiler cement between
cast iron and sheet
metal edge of draft hood