Install Instructions

Part Number 550-110-639/0512
EGH Gas-firEd boilErssEriEs 4 — boilEr manual
Service and maintenance (continued)
Service . . . . . . . . . .
Gauge glass (steam boilers)
Normal waterline is halfway up gauge
glass. Clean when needed.
1. Close lower gauge cock.
2. Open pet cock.
3. Open lower gauge cock and allow a small amount
of water to flush out through open pet cock.
4. Close pet cock.
5. Open lower gauge cock.
Boiler pressure must be low to eliminate
potential of severe burns.
If gauge glass breaks, close both gauge
cocks. Replace gauge glass. Do not replace
with thin glass tubing. Failure to comply
could cause severe personal injury, death
or substantial property damage.
Start-up . . . . . . . . . .
1. Perform Start-up procedures in this manual,
and vent damper on page 26.
2. C
heck gas piping, per pages 22 and 24, verifying no
indications of leakage and all piping and connec-
tions are in good condition.
3. Read the “Lighting Instructions” in the Control
4. Start the boiler following the “Lighting Instructions.
Check/test . . . . . . . . . .
Gas piping
1. Sniff near floor and around boiler area for any in-
dication of a gas leak.
2. Test gas piping using bubble test, per page 22 of this
manual, if there is any indication of a leak.
Boiler waterline
Normal waterline is halfway up gauge glass.
Limit controls
1. Inspectandtesttheboilerlimitcontrol.Verifyop-
eration by turning control set point below boiler
pressure. Boiler should cycle off. Return dial to
original setting.
Probe-type low water cutoff (when used)
Clean probe-type low water cutoff (when used) for proper
1. Turn off power to boiler and wait 5 minutes.
2. Drain water to bottom of gauge glass.
3. Turn on power.
4. Set thermostat to call for heat. Red neon lamp on lower water cutoff
should light.
5. Wait 5 minutes. Boiler should not fire.
6. Refill boiler to correct waterline. Red lamp should go off.
7. Wait 5 minutes. Boiler should fire.
8. Return thermostat to normal setting.
Float-type low water cutoff (when used)
Clean float-type low water cutoff to clear float chamber of
1. Open blowdown valve at bottom control.
2. Drain water into a bucket.
Scald potential. Boiler pressure must be low to avoid the
potential of severe burns from steam.
3. Check float-type low water cutoff for proper operation:
a. Turn operating control to call for heat.
b. Before water gets hot, drain to bottom of gauge glass. Boiler should shut
off after water level lowers a few inches.
c. Refill boiler to correct waterline. Boiler should come back on.