Installation Guide

Part number 550-100-066/0608
g a s -f i r e d w at e r b o i l e r Boiler Manual
Annual startup (continued)
 Burner assembly
Check burner flame
The boiler contains ceramic fiber materials. Use care
when handling these materials per instructions on
page 79 of this manual. Failure to comply could
result in severe personal injury.
Inspect ame through observation window using the proce-1.
dure on page 74.
If ame is unsatisfactory at either high fire or low fire, turn 2.
off boiler and allow boiler to cool down. Then remove burner
and clean it thoroughly using a vacuum cleaner or compressed
air. Do not use compressed air to clean burner if performed
inside a building.
To access the burner, remove the heat exchanger cover plate 3.
following the procedure beginning on page 89.
When replacing burner, ensure gasket is in good condition 4.
and correctly positioned. After tightening the three retainer
screws, bend up the retainer tabs as shown in Figure 93 to
prevent screw rotation.
Reattach the cover plate using the method given in 5. Fig-
ure 97, page 90 or Figure 99, page 91.
After servicing, reinstall boiler components. Retest boiler.6.
Check flame signal
Navigate to Diagnostics/Inputs on the U-Control display (see 1.
Figure 85, page 64). The ame signal value must be at least
20 above the Shutdown values given in Figure 92, page 82.
Flame signal shutdown values
80 95 155 HA 80
80 HA 95 230 100
105 135 230 HA 100
105 HA 135 310 130
155 80 310 HA
If the ame signal drops to less than 20 above the Shutdown 2.
values, the U-Control will attempt to correct by increasing
the boiler firing rate to increase ame signal.
A lower ame signal may indicate a fouled ignitor or dam-3.
aged ignitor insulation. If cleaning the ignitor does not
improve, ground wiring is in good condition, and ground
continuity is satisfactory, replace the ignitor.