Ultra Boiler Manual

Part number 550-100-440/0122
Legend — Figure 5
1 Ultra boiler
2 Indirect water heater (DHW), if used
3 Boiler relief valve (see page9 for piping details)
4 Relief valve discharge piping (see page9 for details)
5 DHW circulator (see page56 for suggested sizing)
6 Isolation valves
7 System circulator (see information above for wiring)
8 Diaphragm (or bladder) type expansion tank (see page56 for piping of
closed-type expansion tank, if used)
9 Air separator [with automatic air vent only on systems using diaphragm
(or bladder) type expansion tank]
10 Flow/check valves
11 Purge/drain valves
12 Boiler circulator
13 Zone valves, typical
20 Make-up water supply
21 Primary/secondary connection
23 DHW connections — see water heater manual for piping
24 Strap system supply and return sensors to lines as shown, at least 6 pipe
diameters (but no more than 3 feet) from boiler connection tees.
25 Systems using high-head pumps may require a bypass pressure regulator
to prevent damage to control valves.
26 Temperature/Pressure gauge
27 DHW relief valve, if used
Items supplied with boiler
Items supplied by others
Figure 5 Zone valve zoning plus optional DHW piping
1. Connect boiler to system as shown in Figure5 when zone valve
zoning. e primary/secondary piping shown ensures the boiler
loop will have sucient ow. It also avoids applying the high head
of the boiler circulator to the zone valves. Also see the information
on page14 and page15 for suggested piping and sizing.
Use at least the MINIMUM pipe size shown in Figure5
on all boiler loop piping (connecting boiler to and from
the primary/secondary connection, item21). Use only
primary/secondary piping as shown.
Failure to fol-
low these guidelines could result in system problems.
2. When using a closed-type expansion tank, connect the expansion
tank and make-up water piping as shown in Figure4,page11. (DO
NOT use a closed-type tank with a AQUA PLUS water heater.)
3. Connect DHW (domestic hot water) piping to indirect storage
water heater as shown.
By default, the U-Control Module turns o space heating
during DHW heating (if DHW input is priority 1). e
boiler circulator will turn o, preventing hot water from
circulating to the system (optional time out setting can
be used to override). e ow/check valve shown on the
boiler outlet piping prevents gravity circulation in the
boiler loop during DHW heating.
Overriding the Outdoor Reset function by setting control to
DHW mode when system is intended for space heating may
violate Section 303 of the 2007 Energy Act. See page137 for
compliance information and exemptions.
4. Controlling the circulators
a. e U-Control can control up to three circulators (boiler cir-
culator and two others). Refer to Field wiring, beginning on
page30, for instructions on wiring to circulators.
b. e factory default settings are: DHW circulator as Circula-
tor1, boiler circulator as Circulator2 and system circulator
as Circulator3. See Field wiring instructions, beginning on
page30, for details.
See page14 and page15 and ADVANCED INSTALLATION section for additional piping suggestions.
Boiler loop pipe size
Ultra-80, 105
Ultra-155, 230
Ultra-299, 399
See CAUTION at left.