Ultra Boiler Manual

Part number 550-100-440/0122
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1. e U-Control is factory programmed to supply a DHW circuit (control
priority1) and nned tube baseboard space heating (control priority2).
2. Control priority 3 is also available, and preset to run all three circulators
if desired, but requires settings to be congured.
Figure 37 Factory default settings
Priority Type Target temperature Circulators
190°F #1 Only
tube BB
180°F xed (if no outdoor sensor) or
180°F at 0°F outside / 130°F at 70°F outside
#2 and #3
3 Custom
180°F xed (if no outdoor sensor) or
180°F at 0°F outside / 130°F at 70°F outside
3. You can use the factory default settings for most systems supplying
space heating with nned-tube baseboard with or without a DHW
tank, provided:
a. A DHW tank, if used, must be piped directly to the boiler, as in the
piping shown in Figure5,page12 or Figure6,page13.
b. If the DHW tank is a separate zone o of the system main, or if it is
piped as in Figure48,page52, you will need to enable additional cir-
culators for DHW operation. e U-Control is factory programmed
to operate only the DHW circulator during DHW heating.
c. e heat emitters in the system must be nned tube baseboard
only. Other heat emitters require changes in the U-Control setup.
See ADVANCED INSTALLATION section for information.
4. Wiring to use the factory default settings — see information in
Figure34,page31 for wiring instructions.
For detailed control information
and additional wiring
, see the
section of this manual.
Low-temperature systems (ra-
diant slab, etc.) —
DO NOT use
the Ultra boiler control as the only
means of water temperature regula-
tion for low-temperature systems if
higher-temperature systems are also