Ultra Boiler Manual

Part number 550-100-440/0122
 (continued)
with instruments
For Ultra-399 propane boilers, special start-up is re-
quired. See page 41 for procedure. See DANGER on
page49 before proceeding.
1. Initiate a call for heat on one of the heat demand inputs.
2. Access the U-Control installer menus by pressing and holding the
UP and DOWN arrow keys for ve seconds.
3. Use the U-Control display to navigate to Manual test mode (see
Figure115,page102) and force the ring rate to MAX (high re).
4. Look at the ame through the ame inspection window. e high
re ame should be blue and should be stable. e burner surface
should be covered with orange dots.
5. Remove the ue temperature sensor from the ue pipe and insert
a combustion test probe., using a calibrated combustion test in-
6. Test for CO
(or O
) and for CO. e CO
values must be within
1.0% of the values listed in Figure42,page41. If results are ac-
ceptable, proceed to the next step. IF NOT, follow the instructions
under “rottle screw adjustment procedure” on page41 to set the
throttle screw position. See WARNING below.
If combustion at either high or low re is outside
the range given in Figure42, page41, follow the
procedure given on page41 for adjusting the throttle
screw on the venturi. If throttle screw adjustment
does not correct the problem, then shut down the
boiler and contact your local WM Technologies
representative. rottle screw adjustment must be
done only by a qualied technician, using calibrated
test instruments. Failure to comply could result in
severe personal injury, death or substantial property
7. Measure natural gas input:
a. Operate boiler 10 minutes.
b. Turn o other appliances.
c. At natural gas meter, measure time (in seconds) required to
use one cubic foot of gas.
d. Calculate gas input:
e. Btuh calculated should approximate input rating on boiler
rating label.
8. Use the U-Control display to navigate to Manual test mode (see
Figure115,page102) and force the ring rate to MIN (low re).
9. Look at the ame through the ame inspection window. e low
re ame should be stable and evenly distributed over burner
surface with a uniform orange color.
10. Repeat the combustion test of steps 4 and 5 above.
11. Use the U-Control display to navigate to Manual test mode (see
Figure115,page102) and force the ring rate to AUTO (normal
12. Replace the ue gas temperature sensor. When replacing the
sensor, remove the rubber grommet from the probe. Insert the
Figure 39 Models 80 & 105 — Throttle screw
technician, using calibrated combustion
test instruments)
3600 x 1000
number of seconds from step c
= Btuh
Figure 40 Models 155, 230 & 299 — Throttle
screw location (ONLY for use by a
combustion test instruments)