Ultra Boiler Manual

Part number 550-100-440/0122
 , Featuring  Flexibility
1. Cast aluminum Nanogate coated heat exchanger
2. Heat exchanger access cover
3. Blower
e advanced blower design and air inlet silencer on Ultra boilers
result in very quiet operation.
Models Ultra-80 & 105 — Air enters the boiler enclosure through
the air intake adapter (18), ows through the enclosure, enters the
air inlet silencer (5), then enters the blower. e blower pulls air
through the silencer and pushes it into the venturi (6), where it mixes
with gas before entering the burner.
Models Ultra-155 & 230 — Air enters the boiler enclosure through
the air intake adapter (18), ows through the enclosure, enters the
air inlet silencer (5), then enters the venturi (6). e blower pulls air
and gas through the venturi and pushes the mixture into the burner.
4. Gas valves and sense lines
e automatic gas valve (4a) senses the vacuum in the venturi
caused by owing air, and allows gas to ow when power is applied.
Models 80 and 105 use a sensing line (4c) from the gas valve to the
blower outlet so the gas valve references the same pressure as the
venturi inlet.
5. Air inlet silencer
e horn-shaped air inlet silencer signicantly reduces fan noise,
providing exceptionally quiet operation.
6. Venturi
When air ows through the venturi, it creates a vacuum. is vacuum
pulls gas from the gas valve. So gas will only ow if air is owing.
On model 80 and 105, the gas/air mixture enters the burner aer
the venturi. On models 155 and 230, the gas/air mixture enters the
blower before passing on to the burner.
7. Outlet water temperature dual sensor
is sensor monitors boiler outlet water temperature. e control
module adjusts boiler ring rate so the outlet temperature is correct,
based on boiler outlet and system supply temperatures.
8. Boiler return water temperature sensor
is sensor monitors return water temperature. e control module
reduces or increases boiler input, depending on how close the return
water temperature is to the outlet water temperature.
9. Electronic display & buttons
e electronic display is used to congure boiler settings and moni-
tor boiler operation.
e buttons allow changing display mode, entering setting values,
and resetting aer lockout.
10. Flue pipe adapter with internal drain
11. Burner (not shown)
Made with high-grade stainless steel construction, the burner uses
pre-mixed air and gas. e burner and control provide modulating
12. Water outlet pipe (system supply)
13. Water return pipe (system return)
14. Gas connection pipe
15. U-Control Module
e U-Control
Module responds to signals from the room thermo-
stats, DHW aquastats (when used), boiler sensors (boiler return,
boiler supply, system return, system supply, ue temperature, and
outdoor temperature, if used). e control module automatically
adjusts blower speed (and gas ow rate) to match boiler output to
space heating and/or DHW heating demand.
16. Swing-away control panel assembly
e Ultra control panel is mounted to a hinged sub panel, allow-
ing the panel to be swung forward and down for easy access to the
electrical connections.
17 Air intake adapter
e air intake adapter incorporates an internal drain on models80
and 105.
18. Electrical entrance
Knockouts are provided in the jacket top panel, allowing conduit
entry directly behind the control panel or near the wall.
19. Boiler drain valve
20. Flue gas condensate drain
Connect the boiler internal condensate trap line to the heat ex-
changer here (parts supplied with boiler, but eld installed).
21. Flue gas condensate drain connection
e condensate trap PVC ttings are eld-installed, connected to
the condensate trap line as shown in this manual.
22. Front door
e front door is sealed to the boiler assembly around its entire
23. Jacket door retainer screws
Two (2) screws secure the door in place.
e burner ame is ignited by applying a high voltage to the igni-
tion electrode. is causes a spark (from electrode to ground). Aer
ignition, the electrode measures ame signal.
25. Flame inspection window
e quartz glass window provides a view of the burner surface and
26. Flue gas dual sensor
is dual sensor monitors the ue gas exit temperature. e control
module will shut down the boiler if ue gas temperature gets too hot.
is protects the ue pipe and the heat exchanger from overheating.
27. ON/OFF switch