Ultra Boiler Manual

Part number 550-100-440/0122
Figure 101 DIRECT EXHAUST — Sidewall — termination
assembly — all parts by installer
1 Vent piping
2 Cover plates
3 Galvanized thimble
4 Vent termination elbow
5 Bird screen
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e Weil-McLain sidewall termination kit sup-
plied with each boiler includes metal plates with
two openings. ese plates can be trimmed and
used for direct exhaust vent termination cover
plates when the vent diameter used matches the
hole size in the plates provided with the boiler.
8. Locate termination so it is not likely to be damaged by foreign
objects, such as stones or balls, or subject to buildup of leaves or
9. Do not connect any other appliance to the vent pipe. Do not
connect multiple boilers to a common vent pipe.
Completing the vent piping
1. Install vent penetration as explained in the following before in-
stalling vent piping from the boiler to the termination.
2. Insert piping from boiler vent connections, then attach exterior
termination piping.
3. Follow instructions beginning on page91 to complete piping
from boiler to termination.
Multiple vent terminations
1. When terminating multiple direct exhaust Ultra boilers, terminate
each vent connection as described in this manual for individual
vents. Space terminations as required for best installation prac-
tices and required maintenance.
Prepare wall penetrations
1. Wall penetration:
a. Cut a rough opening large enough to clear the diameter of
the metal thimble used.
b. Provide metal cover plates (item2, Figure101). e outer
plate MUST provide a stop to prevent the vent elbow from
being pushed inward. (See NOTICE at right.) Hole diameters
in the metal plates must be:
2-inch PVC, CPVC or ABS — 2
22” hole diameter.
3-inch PVC, CPVC or ABS — 3
88” hole diameter.
4-inch PVC, CPVC or ABS — 4
88” hole diameter.
AL29-4C vent pipe and elbow — size hole large enough
to clear vent pipe, but small enough to prevent the elbow
from being pushed through.
c. Insert the galvanized metal thimble (by installer) in the vent
pipe hole as shown in Figure101.
2. Follow all local codes for isolation of vent pipe when passing
through oors or walls.
1. Prepare the vent termination elbow (Figure98,page87) by in-
serting a bird screen. Bird screens are not supplied with the Ultra
boiler. Purchase separately from WM Technologies.
2. You can install the vent termination using either of the congura-
tions shown in Figure98,page87.
3. Maintain the required dimensions of the nished termination
piping as shown in Figure98,page87.
4. Seal exterior openings thoroughly with exterior caulk.
5. Do not extend exposed vent pipe outside of the building more
than shown in this document. Condensate could freeze and
block vent pipe.