User's Manual

Chapter 3 System menu
3-1 Introduction
The System menu is a part of the system program, which is preinstalled in the XIT-100-BW as one of the func-
tions that comprise the operating system. It also provides a platform for installing application programs and per-
forming environmental setup for the whole system.
This chapter describes how to set up the XIT-100-BW and perform various verification checks, with primary
focus on how to use the "System menu."
3-2 Save the System Parameter
3-2-1 Registry
The system parameters that are set up in the System menu are called "Registry".
In addition, as these registry files are not displayed in the System menu as these are hidden files. As the registry
is saved in the F drive, it will be not erased even though the back up battery is worn out.
Registry is classified into five categories as below.
User Registry General set up value. Most part of the items setup in the System
menu creates the User Registry.
Security Registry Security related setup value such as WEP key and SSID etc.
Unique Registry Setup value unique to the terminal such as IP address and terminal
ID, which generally does not overlap to the other terminals.
System Registry Using a unique setup value used by the XIT-100-BW.The execu-
tion of Setup or reference from the System menu is not enabled.
Device Registry This is the item such as Battery level or radio signal level that is to
refer the parameter that changes in real time during the operation
of the terminal. The setup value that belongs to this device registry
can only be referred to, but unable to setup.
The four registries except for Device registry are saved in an independent file respectively. For this reason there
are four files are always stored in the F drive of XIT-100-BW. As the registry is stored in the F drive, it will be
not erased even if the battery is disconnected.
The Device registry is not saved in a file, as it varies according to the operation status of the terminal.
Please refer to "Appendix. A-1 System menu Factory Settings"(P.A-2) with regards to what menu the setup
value belongs to.
The Clone (P.3-77) allows the other terminal to copy the registry and duplicate the terminal with the same setup
as that of the original.
By using "initialize" Menu (P.3-75), the registry will be erased, restoring the terminal to the status of Factory