User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Propaq CS Directions for Use 27
Perform ECG/RESP Monitoring
Impedance pneumography detects respiratory effort via changes in chest volume; therefore, impedance
pneumography can be used to detect central apnea. However, apnea episodes with continued respiratory effort, such
as obstructive apnea and mixed apnea, may go undetected. Also, artifact due to patient motion, apnea mattress
shaking, or electrocautery use may cause apnea episodes to go undetected. Always monitor and set alarms for SpO
when using impedance pneumography to monitor respiratory function.
The Propaq CS monitor automatically rejects cardiovascular artifact. This function is dependent upon accurate
ECG R-wave detection. Therefore, always select the ECG lead with the most prominent QRS complex when monitoring
respiration via impedance pneumography.
Dont place the Propaq CS monitor with RESP in close proximity to another respiration monitor because the
RESP measurement frequencies may interfere with one another.
Because pacemaker pulses in some instances may be falsely counted as breaths, impedance pneumography
is not recommended for use on paced patients.
Motion artifact can cause incorrect breath rate or heart rate readings. Minimize patient motion whenever
If a disconnected lead is in too close proximity to other electrical devices, it may cause false heart rate, a
failure to detect apnea, or a failure to display a Lead Fail message.
The Propaq CS monitor does not provide arrhythmia analysis. Therefore, arrhythmias are not analyzed and
may cause the monitor to display inaccurate heart rates.
The Propaq CS monitor will show + + + for HR numerics between 301-350 beats per minute. Above 350 beats
per minute, it may display incorrectly low heart rates, due to intermittent picking of R-waves.
High-intensity radio frequency (RF) energy from external sources, such as an improperly connected
electrosurgical unit, can induce heat into electrodes and cables which can cause burns on the patient. Reading errors
and damage to equipment may also result. This hazard can be reduced by (1) avoiding the use of small ECG
electrodes, (2) selecting ECG electrode attachment points remote from the surgical site and from the electrosurgical
return electrode, (3) using electrosurgical return electrodes with the largest practical contact area, and (4) assuring
proper application of the electrosurgical return electrode to the patient.
Verify patient mode. Incorrect patient mode may result in inaccurate heart rates and inappropriate alarm
To help prevent injury, use the provided garment clips to route the ECG cables away from the patients head.
Use of ECG cables with loose or faulty detachable lead wires may cause erratic behavior of the ECG waveform,
(C-LOCK), and NIBP (Smartcuf) due to intermittent ECG lead wire connections.
Use only ECG safety cables that are designed so that they cannot accidently be plugged into an ac mains
outlet or make contact with other hazardous electrical potentials including earth ground. To prevent damage during
defibrillation, dont use ECG cables without 1 k series resistors.
Before you use a Propaq CS monitor on a new patient, always turn it off for a few seconds, then turn it on
again. This clears the prior patients trend values and alarm limit settings.