User's Manual

NEOBIT 1014VA ADSL Router User’s Guide Chapter18
2. Enter or select data for each field that applies to your rule.
The following table describes the fields
Field Description
Rule ID
Each rule must be assigned a sequential ID
number. Rules are processed from lowest to
highest on each data packet, until a match is
found. It is recommended that you assign
rule IDs in multiples of 5 or 10 (e.g., 10, 20,
30) so that you leave enough room between
them for inserting a new rule if necessary.
The action that will be taken when a packet
matches the rule criteria. The action can be
Accept (forward to destination) or Deny
(discard the packet).
Specifies whether the rule should apply to
data packets that are incoming or outgoing
on the selected interface.
Incoming refers to packets coming from the
LAN, and outgoing refers to packets going to
the Internet.
You can use rules that specify the incoming
direction to restrict external computers from
accessing your LAN.
The interface on the NEOBIT 1014VA on
which the rule will take effect. See the
examples on page 129 for suggestions on
choosing the appropriate interface for various
rule types.
In Interface
The interface from which packets must have
been forwarded to the interface specified in
the previous selection. This option is valid
only for the outgoing direction.
Log Option When Enabled is selected, a log entry will be
created on the system each time this rule is
invoked. The log entry will include the time of
the violation, the source address of the
computer responsible for the violation, the
destination IP address, the protocol being
used, the source and destination ports, and
the number violations occurring in the
previous x minutes. (Logging may be helpful
when troubleshooting.) This information can
also be e-mailed to designated
administrators. See Chapter 17, “Configuring
Firewall Settings” for instructions.
Security Level
The security level that must be enabled
globally for this rule to take affect. A rule will
be active only if its security level is the same
as the globally configured setting (shown on
the main IP Filter page). For example, if the
rule is set to Medium and the global firewall
level is set to Medium, then the rule will be
active; but if the global firewall level is set to
High or Low, then the rule will be inactive.