Use and Care Manual

Problem Common Causes Solution
slips on con-
1. Conveyor belt dirty or worn.
2. Pressure rollers not properly adjusted.
1. Clean/replace conveyor belt (see page 21).
2. Properly adjust pressure roller (see page 20).
thickness from
side to side.
1. Height lock knob not tight and
sanding drum is deflecting up.
2. Conveyor belt not parallel to sanding
3. Height adjustment tension screws are
too loose.
4. Conveyor belt is worn.
1. Fully tighten height lock knob after setting
the depth of cut.
2. Properly adjust conveyor belt to sanding drum
alignment (see page 20).
3. Properly adjust the height adjustment tension
screws (see page 20).
4. Replace conveyor belt (see page 23).
Conveyor belt
slips or does
not track cor-
1. Belt tension not properly adjusted.
2. Belt tracking not properly adjusted.
3. Conveyor belt is worn.
1. Properly adjust belt tension (see page 19).
2. Properly adjust belt tracking (see page 19).
3. Replace conveyor belt (see page 23).
Height adjust-
ment wheel
hard to rotate.
1. Height lock knob too tight.
2. Leadscrew and nut clogged with saw-
3. Height adjustment tension screws are
too tight.
1. Loosen the height lock knob.
2. Clean and lubricate the leadscrew and nut (see
page 22).
3. Properly adjust the height adjustment tension
screws (see page 20).
strip becomes
loose or comes
off sanding
1. Sandpaper strip not properly wrapped
onto drum.
2. Sandpaper strip not cut to the correct
dimensions (3" x 62.5").
3. Slack in sanding strip.
4. Torn or damaged sandpaper strip.
1. Re-install sandpaper strip properly (see page
2. Only use sandpaper strips that are cut to the
correct dimensions that match your existing sand-
3. Properly wrap sandpaper strip and make sure
the right end is fully inserted into the clamp slot
(see page 16).
4. Replace sandpaper (see page 15).
Ripples or
lines in work-
1. Uneven feed rate.
2. Height lock knob not tight and sanding
drum deflecting from workpiece.
1. Maintain an even feed rate through the entire
sanding operation.
2. Make sure the height lock knob is tight.
Snipe marks
in workpiece.
1. Improper pressure roller tension.
2. Workpiece too long without sufficient
1. Adjust pressure roller tension evenly (see page
2. Use roller stands or tables on the infeed and
outfeed ends of the conveyor table to prevent
workpiece from bending.