Installation Instructions

Installation and Operator Handbook Installation Instructions
AMXMA00653 Issue 0.03 (USA) 4
3.3.3 Lightning Protection
To minimize damage to equipment, or injury to maintainers, a complete system of lightning protection and
grounding connections should be installed. The following points should be considered:
All down conductors, bonding interconnections, ground rings and radial tapes should be un-insulated
solid copper tape at least 25 x 3 mm in cross section. All connection clamps and supports should be
protected by non-reactive paste or tape.
The use of gas lightning arresters or metal oxide varistors is recommended on line interfaces, including
antenna cables.
Protected test points should be included where appropriate and sacrificial grounding lugs should be
clearly marked and accessible for periodic inspection and replacement if necessary.
Use a large copper strap to take outer cable casings to a central ground bonding point.
Antenna support structures, whether on the ground or on a building, should be connected to an o ring
arrangement (or equivalent) via sacrificial ground lugs.
A ground ring consists of copper tape with driver ground electrodes or radial tapes around the base of
the structure (as close to it as possible), buried approximately 24 inches (0.6 m), where soil conditions
The main building and any other metalwork structures within 3m should be connected to a ground
The DRB-25 cabinet and supporting modules are packed and transported in customized packages which
conform to best commercial practices for transportation and protection of electronic assemblies.
The DRB-25 cabinet is delivered complete, requiring only the fitting of the plug in modules.
In addition to the DRB-25 cabinet, the Modules which may be supplied in separate packages are:
One or two Power Supply Modules.
One or two Power Amplifier Modules.
One or two Transceiver Modules.
Controller Module.
Interface Module.
In addition a programming kit may be provided, including a programming disk and interface cable.
Before unpacking, examine the packages for evidence of external damage, water ingress or vermin activity
which may have occurred during transportation.
Examine the delivery docket or installation check list to confirm that the correct items for the intended DRB-
25 configuration has been delivered.
Notify the supplier or its agent immediately if any discrepancy is noted.