User's Manual

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Software Operations
Section 4
Software Behavior Under Normal Conditions
The repeater’s operating software has two modes, an Operational mode and a Maintenance mode. These are
described below.
Operational Mode:
Upon power up, the System will begin operation in the Operational Mode. Using a “Band Switching Algorithm” the repeater
will not key until a GPS position fix is obtained and the unit is within an Area Definition.
Once GPS position fix is obtain the repeater will begin operation based on the Area Definitions “Channel Power
Measurement and Keying Decision” and “Low Isolation Detection and Protection” algorithms. The operational software
will continuously monitor the system’s environment and make the necessary adjustments to keep the product operating
with specifications and within the normal operating range of the Product and FCC Type Certification.
System Status
The Operating Software provides real time status data that reports the state of the repeater. This status contains:
Timestamp Modem Band Type Satellite Count
System Up Time Active Filer NoBox Count
Software Version In-band input Searching Count
System Serial Number Measured Output Scan RX Run State
Model Number Composite Input DeKey Limit
Item Number AGC Mode Scan RX Filter ID
Location AGC Attenuation # of Channels
Modem Signal Strength GPS RunState 1 -10 Channel Freq’s & SSI
Modem Registration Status Latitude
Modem Phone Number Longitude RF Alarms: System Alarms:
Modem Current Band Filter ID Over Range Synthesizer Lock
Modem System ID Filter Name Oscillation Voltage
Modem Network ID Location VSWR Temperature
Modem Temperature BTA Out of Band Overdrive Software
Low Signal Hardware
No Signal
Currently System events are stored to a Log File. In future releases, with the exception of the System Serial Number
and System Identifier, The Real Time Status of the Product will be saved to nonvolatile memory for retrieval. The
nonvolatile memory will be able to store 48 hours of Status data, with up to 6 complete status records per minute. The
interval that the status records are saved will be user defined.
The Operating Software will also record to nonvolatile memory and make available to a user in the Maintenance Mode:
- A count and time stamp each time the processor is booted.
- A count and time stamp of each time the operating software is placed into the Maintenance Mode, and the User ID
of the operator that performed the action.
- A count and time stamp each time the Watchdog Timer is activated, and the associated debugging information
available at the time of activation of the Watchdog Timer.
- The count and time stamp of any activation of the “Low Isolation Detection and Protection Algorithm” as defined in
attachment C of this document.
The Operating Software has the ability to monitor a System for conditions that are out of normal operation, triggering
an alarm event. The Operating software in conjunction with the Communications Subsystem is capable of sending
alarm messages via E-mail using standard SMTP and POP3 protocols to a User Provisioned e-mail account.
Each Alarm defined has these User Provisioned Capabilities.:
- Disable the System: The Operating software can disable the System (prohibit Keying) until the alarm
condition is cleared.
- Alarm Filter Conditions: A Filter Condition (such as X number of occurrences per hour) to the alarm to
prevent false or un-useful notifications if provisioned.
- Send an Alarm Message: The Operating Software can send a notification via message E-mail through the
Communications Subsystem if provisioned.
- Alarm Clear Message: The Operating Software can send an alarm clear message when an alarm
condition clears if provisioned.