User manual

WD TV Live Streaming Media Player
User Manual
Mediafly Player
The Mediafly layout is similar to the regular video playback screen. It displays the
playback status bar and the elapsed and total playback times.
Press PLAY/PAUSE to pause and resume playback.
Press FF/REV to fast forward or reverse in 10 second increments.
Press NEXT/PREV to select the next/previous podcast in the channel.
Mediafly Player Options
Press Options during playback, then press / to select any of the following
Show info
View episodes
Add to my channel
Remove from my channel
Show info
1. Press / to select Show info from the Options screen, then press OK.
2. Information about the podcast displays. Press OK to return to the Options
screen or Back to resume watching or listening to the podcast.
View episodes
1. Press / to select View episodes from the Options screen, then press OK.
2. Episodes associated with the podcast display. Press / to select a podcast
from the list, then press OK.
1. Press / to select Rate from the Options screen, then press OK.
2. Press
/ to select a rating (one to four stars), then press OK. Select This
episode or All episodes in this show, then press OK.
Add to my channel
1. Press / to select Add to my channels from the Options screen, then press
2. Select This episode or All episodes in this show, then press OK.
Remove from my channels
1. Press
/ to select Remove from my channels from the Options screen, then
press OK.
2. Select This episode or All episodes in this show, then press OK.
Popular Channels
These are channels deemed most popular by Mediafly users.