
Printed Documentation
fonts. If the memory module is not present, the printer will still work, but any
graphic that is downloaded, will not be printed.
Select Cutter Installed or Not Installed to designate cutter availability. While
designing the format, if a cutter is indicated as being installed on the printer you
may choose:
Do not cut
Cut after each Format
Cut after each Batch
Cut after each Job
Darkness Adjustment
Enter a number from -3 to +3 to adjust the base level of print darkness. Negative
numbers make the print lighter.
Offset Adjustment
Enter a number from -99 to 999 to adjust the form edge offset. This allows you to
compensate for slight mechanical differences between printers. This may also be
accomplished with settings on the printer's front panel.
Initial Label Feed
Allow blank label feed before printing first job or suppress label feed. Allowing an
initial label feed will align the print head to the leading edge of die-cut label stock
Fargo Cables
9 Pin Cable
25 Pin Cable
Western Telematic
Switchbox - 41 - Dip