
7. Create a Barcode Field and name it "BARCODE"
Choose Copied for Source of Data
Choose "DATA" for the name of the copied field
Any fields that you do not want to print can be made into "phantom" fields.
Steps 2 and 3 were added for explanation purposes. You may eliminate these
two steps by changing step 4 to the following:
4. Create another text field and name it "TOTAL"
Choose Arithmetic for Source of Data
,1)*3)+(SS(BARDATA,8,1)*2)+(SS(BARDATA,9,1)*1))/9" for Calculation
Enter "2" for Decimal Places
Choose "Custom Numeric/Amount Format" for Special Formatting
Enter "99.99" for Format String
Arithmetic/Expression summary
This is a summary of the operators and functions which can be used in
expressions (arithmetic, conditional print and in the procedures mentioned
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Remainder (Example 16% 7 is 2)
| String concatenation
< Less than comparison
<= Less than of equal comparison
!= or # Not equal comparison
== or = equal comparison
LIKE Pattern matching comparison operator
NOT LIKE Negation of LIKE
>= Greater than or equal comparison operator