
File Base Name
This is the first part of the file name to be used when storing records. The full file name
is made from this base name, a hyphen, a unique 6-character sequence and the file
extension. Assuming a Base Name of ‘DataRecord’ and an extension of .txt a typical file
name would be similar to DataRecord-3NEVRD.txt. The unique 6-character sequence is
generated from the time and date and therefore can be used to sort files
File Extension
This is the extension of the file name to be used when storing records.
Upload Interval
You can set the time interval in Hours and Minutes between automatic uploads.
Upload When Empty
This is useful for uploading a zero length file at the upload interval to confirm that the
TR-2100 is alive and well.
Upload Compressed
To double the speed of uploading you can upload in compressed format and
uncompress the data records on the FTP server.
Upload When XX% Full
Set the percentage full point at which you want to upload records. Values below 50%
are recommended but you can set it from 1% to 90%.
FTP Port
This is the TCP control port on the FTP server. This is normally port 21 but it may be
changed for security reasons. The FTP server automatically assigns the Data Port.
Automatic Upload
This checkbox must be selected to enable upload at the specified interval or Percentage
Full programmed. This item is disabled unless an Upload Interval or Percent Full value
greater than zero is set.
Delete Uploaded Records
This control is automatically selected if Automatic Upload and either an Upload Interval
or Percentage Full value greater than zero are set.
FTP User Name
This is the User Name to send to the FTP server for authentication.
FTP Password
This is the Password to send to the FTP server for authentication.