Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

5. Configuration
5.1. Communicating with the RSM Unit
In order to configure the RSM, you must first connect to the unit, and access command
mode. Note that, the RSM offers two separate configuration interfaces; the Web
Browser Interface and the Text Interface.
In addition, the RSM also offers three different methods for accessing command mode;
via network, via modem, or via local console. The Web Browser interface is only
available via network, and the Text Interface is available via network (SSH or Telnet),
modem or local PC.
5.1.1. The Text Interface
The Text Interface consists of a series of simple ASCII text menus, which allow you to set
options and define parameters by entering the number for the desired option using your
keyboard, and then typing in the value for that option.
Since the Web Browser Interface and Telnet accessibility are both disabled in the
default state, you will need to use the Text Interface to contact the unit via Local PC or
SSH connection when setting up the unit for the first time. After you have accessed
command mode using the Text Interface, you can then enable Web Access and
Telnet Access in order to allow future communication with the unit via Web Browser or
Telnet. You will not be able to contact the unit via Web Browser or Telnet until you have
specifically enabled those options.
Once Telnet Access is enabled, you will then be able to use the Text Interface to
communicate with the RSM via local PC, Telnet or SSH connection. You can also use
the text interface to access command mode via the RSM's internal modem, or via an
external modem installed at one of the RSM's RS232 serial ports.
In order to use the Text Interface, your installation must include:
Access via Network: The RSM must be connected to your TCP/IP Network, and
your PC must include a communications program (such as HyperTerminal.)
Access via Modem: A phone line must be connected to the RSM's Phone Line
port, and your PC must include a communications program.
Access via Local PC: Your PC must be physically connected to one of the
RSM’s RS232 ports as described in Section 4.3, and your PC must include a
communications program.