Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

Port Mode Parameters:
Port Mode: The operation mode for this port. Ports 1 and 2 cannot be configured
as Passive or Buffer Mode ports, and the internal modem port is always configured
for Modem Mode. (Port 1 and 2, Default = Any-to-Any Mode; Serial Ports 3 and
above, Default = Passive Mode; Internal Modem Port, Default = Modem Mode.)
Depending on the Port Mode selected, the RSM will also display the additional prompts
listed in this section. In the Text Interface, these parameters are accessible via a
submenu, which will only be active when the appropriate port mode is selected, and
in the Web Browser Interface, fields will be "grayed out" unless the corresponding port
mode is selected.
Any-to-Any Mode / Passive Mode: Allows the following Mode-specific parameter
to be defined:
DTR Output: Determines how DTR will react when the port disconnects. DTR
can be held low, held high, or pulsed for 0.5 seconds and then held high.
(Default = Pulse.)
Modem Mode: Allows the following mode-specific parameters to be defined:
Reset String: Redefines the modem reset string. The Reset String can be sent
prior to the Initialization string. (Default = ATZ.)
Initialization String: Defines a command string that can be sent to
initialize a modem to settings required by your application. (Default =
Hang-Up String: Although the RSM will pulse the DTR line to hang-up an
attached modem, the Hang-Up string is often useful for controlling modems that
do not use the DTR line. (Default = undefined.)
Periodic Reset Value: Determines how often the Reset String will be sent to the
modem at this port.
Note: When communicating with the RSM via modem, these parameters will
not be changed until after you exit command mode and disconnect.
Buffer Mode: Allows the following mode-specific parameters to be defined:
Buffer DateTime: Enables/Disables the Time/Date stamp for buffered data.
When enabled, the RSM will add a time/date stamp whenever five seconds
elapse between data items received. (Default = On.)
Buffer Connect: When enabled, the RSM will continue to Buffer captured data
while you are connected to the Buffer Mode port. (Default = Off.)