Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

5.8.2. Network Port Parameters
In the Text Interface, these parameters are found in the main Network Configuration
menu (Figure 5.9.) In the Web Browser Interface, these parameters are found by
first clicking the "Network Configuration" link, and then clicking the "Network Port
Parameters" link to display the Network Port Configuration Menu (Figure 5.12.)
Supervisor Mode: Permits/denies access to Supervisor commands. If disabled,
the Network port is not allowed to invoke Supervisor commands. (Default =
Note: When Supervisor Mode for the Network Port is set to "Deny," accounts
that permit Supervisor commands will not be allowed to access command
mode via network.
Logoff Character: Defines the Logoff Character for this port. This determines
which command(s) must be issued at this port in order to disconnect from a second
port. The Logoff Character does not apply to Telnet Direct Connections.
(Default = ^X ([Ctrl] plus [X]).)
Sequence Disconnect: Enables/Disables and configures the Resident Disconnect
command. Offers the option to either disable the Sequence Disconnect, or select a
one character, or three character command format. (Default = One Character).
The One Character Disconnect is intended for situations where the
destination port should not receive the disconnect command. When the
Three Character format is selected, the disconnect sequence will pass
through to the destination port prior to breaking the connection.
When Three Character format is selected, the Resident Disconnect uses the
format "[Enter]LLL[Enter]", where L is the selected Logoff Character.
Figure 5.12: Network Port Parameters Menu (Web Browser Interface)