User manual

The manufacturer accepts no liability
for failure to observe the below safe-
ty precautions.
Safety standards require the appli-
ance to be earthed.
Prior to using the appliance for the
first time, ensure that the rated volt-
age and type of supply on the rating
plate match that of the supply where
the appliance is to be installed.
The fuse rating can be found on the
rating plate and in 'Technical data'.
Always plug the mains plug onto a
correctly installed approved socket.
Do not use multi-ways plugs, con-
nectors and extension cables. This
can constitute a fire hazard through
If necessary, have the domestic wir-
ing system socket replaced. If the
mains cable has to be replaced, con-
tact your local Customer Care cen-
The mains plug must be accessible
after the appliance has been instal-
Never unplug the appliance by pull-
ing on the cable. Always pull the
Test the appliance. Run a quick
washing program and ensure that
the appliance fills with water, washes
and drains with no leaks.
The packaging materials are environmental-
ly friendly and can be recycled. The plastic
components are identified by markings, e.g.
>PE<, >PS<, etc. Discard the packaging
materials in the applicable container at the
community waste disposal facilities.
Warning! Follow these instructions to
discard the appliance:
Pull the mains plug out of the socket.
Cut off the mains cable and the
mains plug and discard them.
Discard the door catch. This pre-
vents children from closing them-
selves inside the appliance and en-
dangering their lives.
Make sure that the appliance goes to the
applicable collection point for recycling.
Make sure that this appliance is discarded
correctly. Inappropriate waste discard of
the appliance causes negative consequen-
ces for the environment and human health.
For more information about the recycling of
this appliance, contact your local city office,
your household waste disposal service or
the shop where you purchased the appli-
22 westinghouse