User's Guide

Question Answer
How does the
Favorites List work?
How do I select
transmitters if I
can’t reach my
Bond Button?
How do I delete a
transmitter from
my Favorites List?
What is the Master
What are some
tips for making
Why does only
one of my Bond
Buttons work?
Can any group of
receivers be made
into a Cluster?
a link plus user’s guide
You can store up to 10 favorite transmitters on your Favorites List. Every time you add a transmitter, it
is assigned the first open spot on the Favorites List - so if you already have two favorite transmitters,
the next one you add will go into Favorite List spot #3. When you click the Bond Button, the receiver
hunts through the Favorites List much like a car radio hunts for radio stations when you press “seek.”
If the indicator is dim green and flashes every few seconds, you know the receiver is hunting
through your Favorites List. Say you have 5 transmitters on your Favorites List; your receiver will hunt
through the list one by one: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then back around to 1 and so on (always starting with
the last-bonded favorite transmitter). The dim green indicator flashes every time the receiver moves
to the next spot. The receiver hunts through your Favorites List for up to 1 minute. If it doesn’t find
any of your favorite transmitters in 1 minute, it stops hunting through the Favorites List and just waits
for the last-bonded favorite transmitter. When your receiver finds one of your favorite transmitters, it
bonds with that transmitter and starts playing its audio. The indicator turns bright green when the
receiver has successsfully bonded with one of your favorite transmitters. A dim green indicator that
is NOT flashing means the receiver is just sitting on one spot, waiting for that specific favorite
transmitter to show up.
Play audio from your source device and ensure it has an a link plus connected and turned on. Click
the Bond Button. The receiver hunts through the Favorites List, flashing the indicator as it goes. Once
your receiver finds one of your favorite transmitters, it bonds to it and plays audio from that
transmitter. If that isn’t the transmitter you want, click the Bond Button once more. Repeat until your
receiver bonds with the transmitter you want.
Say you want to put your a link plus on a high shelf where you can’t reach the Bond Button easily.
First, set up your Favorites List - add all of the transmitters you’ll want to use. Use the Bond Button to
enter Red Mode (4 Clicks). Put the receiver up on the high shelf. Power on just one of your
transmitters. The receiver automatically bonds to that transmitter.
Factory Reset (6 Clicks) clears the Favorites List and lets you start over from scratch. If however,
you’d like to delete just one transmitter from your Favorites List, first bond your receiver to that
transmitter. See the section above: “How do I bond with a specific Favorite transmitter?” Once
you are bonded to it, hold down the Bond Button for a few seconds until you see the SKAA LED
flash Red - this Red flash means the transmitter has been deleted.
In any Cluster, there is a single Master receiver, and all of the other receivers in the Cluster follow
its behavior. You can control the entire Cluster by operating the Bond Button of the Master (a
receiver must have a physical Bond Button in order to become the Master).
Perform the “Make a Cluster of Receivers” procedure once for each receiver (omit Step 3).
This gives each of the receivers a functioning Bond Button, and each of them will thereafter
operate independently.
Each step in the “Make a Cluster of Receivers” procedure has a 10-second time limit. For example,
when you see the Master’s SKAA LED start to flash Red, you have 10 seconds to power on the next
receiver. When that receiver’s SKAA LED starts to flash Red, you have 10 more seconds to power on
the next one, and so on.
When you make a Cluster from several receivers, the first one powered on in the “Make a Cluster
of Receivers” procedure becomes the Master of the Cluster. Only the Master’s Bond Button works
because a Cluster uses just one Favorites List (the Master’s Favorites List). The Bond Button of the
other receivers will work only for the Mute / Unmute function (3 clicks).
No. The receivers must be members of the same product family. If they are not, the “Make a
Cluster of Receivers” procedure won’t work. This is because only receivers that were designed to
work together (as a single product) can be made into a Cluster.
How do I
several receivers?
How do I bond
with a specific