Instruction for Use

Use the following chart as a guide only. Grilling can be started from cold but for best results preheat for
approximately two minutes. Most cooking is done with the heat on full, but it may be desirable to
reduce it for thicker
pieces of meat or for keeping food warm.
There are 3 shelf positions available for grilling.
Shelf Position Food
HIGH POSITION Toast, pikelets/crumpets, bacon, thin sausages, beefburgers, tomato halves, steak
(rare and medium), kippers, gammon, kidneys and toasted snacks.
CENTRE POSITION Toast, toasted snacks, thick sausages, beefburgers, fish fingers, steak (well done)
and gammon, chops (with heat turned down for part of cooking time).
LOW POSITION Whole fish, fish fillets and fish
steaks (on base of pan). Chicken portions (with heat
turned down for part of cooking time).
For au gratin dishes eg. Macaroni Cheese and meringue toppings eg. Baked Alaska, place the dish on the floor
of the grill compartment. The base of the grill pan can be used for warming fruit garnishes on the reduced