Installation guide

Locationof washer: C.eo iooa.oowherewasherw,,,be,nsta,ed.Makesureyouhaveeveryth,ngnecessary
for correct installation. Proper imtalIation is your responsibilRy.
ao.cold Recessed area (nstructJons
Grounded eJectrka[
outlet is reqored
wRhin 5 feet of upper
right corner of washer
cabinet. See "Electrical
requirements," Panel A.
The hot and cold water
inlets on the back of the
washer have 3/4 --
11d/2 American hose
coupling standard
Support: Floor must be
sturdy enough to
support washer weight
(with water) of 315
To use drain hose
shipped with washeB
standpipe, laundry
tub or utility sink
should be within 46
inches of the washer
drain connector:
mmportant: Observe
all governing codes
and ordinances,
Should be within
3-1/2 feet of upper
right hand corner of
washer cabinet (if
not, see chart below).
Provide water
pressure 5ol 00 psi.
Set to deliver
140°F water
to washer:
Do Not store or
[f your home has: You wlH need to buy:
39" high, 2" dia. standpipe nothing. If your installation is different, see "Drain system" bdow.
1" dia. standpipe 2" dia. to 1" dia. standpipe adapter, Part No. 3363920.
floor drain siphon break, Part No. 285320; additional drain hose, Part No.
3357090; and Connector Kit, Part No. 285442.
overhead sewer standard 20 ga!, 34" high laundry tub or utility sink, sump pump
and connectors (available from Ioca! plumbing suppliers).
standard 20 ga!., 34" high laundry nothing.
tub or utility sink
water not dose by 2 longer water inlet hoses: 6 ft. hoses, Part No. 76313 or
10 ft. hoses, Part No. 350008.
Parts listed are available from your loca! dealer or authorized parts distributor.
This washer may be installed in a recessed area or closet,
The installation dimensions openings in top and bottom of
shown are the minimum door are required Louvered doors
spaces allowable. Additional with air openings in top and
spacing should be considered bottom are acceptable. Companion
for ease of installation and appliance spacing should be
servicing. If closet door is considered.
installed, the minimum air
/ closet door
48 sq. in.
24 sq. in.
48 sq. in.
24 sq. in.
* Additional clearances for wall, door and floor moldings may be
Remove parts package. Untape and open washer lid. Remove literature package from washer.
Drai_ _"__y_wt_e_: Look at drain systems below to decide which system to use.
4 I'
Needs a 20-gallon laundry tub.
:3. :$tandp[ drain system:
Needs a twodnch minimum diameter standpipe with minimum carry-away
capacity of 1 7 gallons per minute. A 2" dia. to 1" dia. standpipe adapter, Part No.
3363920, must be used with 1" dia. drain systems.
Wall standpipe draio
Top of tub must be at
least 34 inches high
and no higher than
96 inches from
bottom of washer.
uires a
Part No.
285320. Siphon
break must be
above high-
water [eve[ in
washer, at least
28 inches from
bottom of
Additional drain
hose wiJ[ be
needed. See
Floor standpipe
Top of
must be at
least 39
inches high
and no 34"
higher than
96 inches**
bottom of
**If the drain height is greater than 96 inches, a sump pump system must be used.
If a longer drain hose is needed, use complete drain hose assembly (56 inches long), Part No. 661575, or drain hose (21 inches long), Part No. 3357090, and
Connector Kit, Part No. 285442. These kits are available from your local dealer or an authorized parts distributor.
Electrical requirements
Electrical Shock Hazard
Plug into a grounded a-prong
Do not remove ground prong.
Do not use an adapter.
Do not use an extension cord.
FaUure to follow these
instructions can result in
death, fire, or electrical shock.
Panel A
if codes permit aod a separate
grouod wire Js used, it ls
recommeoded that a qualified
electrician determJoe that the
grouod path is adequateo
Do Not grouod to a gas pipeo
Check with a qualified electr[cJao if
you are oot sure the washer ls
properly grounded.
Do Not have a fuse io the neutral or
grouod circuit.
A 120-volt, 60-Hz, Ac-only, 15- or
20-ampere, fused electrical supply is
required. Timedelay fuse or circuit
breaker is recommended. It is
recommended that a separate circuit
serving only this appliance be provided.
Recommended glround method
3-pron 9
ground-type outlet
j ......
_'_r _r3_e r supply
For your personal safety, this washer must
be grounded. This washer is equipped with
a power supply cord having a 3-prong
ground plug.
To minimize possible shock hazard,
the cord must be plugged into a mating, 3_
prong, ground-type outlet, grounded in
accordance with local codes and
ordinances. If a mating outlet is not
available, it is the personal responsibility and
obligation of the customer to have the
properly grounded outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
WARNING Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor
can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or
serviceman if you are in doubt as to whether the appliance is properly
grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance - if it will
not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.