Installation Guide

22 • Residen al Standard Gas Water Heater Use and Care Guide
22 • Residen al Standard Gas Water Heater Use and Care Guide
Check inlet and outlet
connec ons and water pipes
for leaks. Dry pipes connec-
ons so that any drips or leaks will be
apparent. Repair any leaks. Almost all
leaks occur at connec ons and are not
a tank leak.
Step 10:
Install Dra Hood
Install the new dra hood by
aligning the legs and inser ng
them into the slots provided
on top of the water heater. Do not reuse
the dra hood from the old water
heater, but rather use the new one that
came with your new water heater.
Secure the dra hood using
the four screws provided.
A ach the home’s exis ng
vent pipe to the dra hood outlet
using an approved vent adapter (not
Figure 30 -Install the new draft hood and secure
with screws.
Secure the vent adapter to the
dra hood with sheet metal
screws. Read the Ven ng
sec on on page 11. Make sure your
home’s ven ng system complies with
the instruc ons in this manual and is in
good condi on.
Step 11:
Make Gas Connec ons
The Gas Water Heater Hook-Up Kit
(available at your local plumbing sup-
plier) includes a exible gas connector
with compression ngs to connect
the home’s gas line to the water
heaters gas control valve. Follow the
kits installa on instruc ons to a ach
the exible gas connector.
Figure 31 -Flexible gas line connector.
Once you’ve made the gas connec-
ons, use a small, so -bristled brush
to apply a hand dishwashing soap
and water mixture or children’s soap
bubbles (1 part soap to 15 parts water)
to all connec on points of the gas line
and exible gas connector (if used).
Make sure to generously coat all the
connec ons and check for gas leaks
(which will appear as small bubbles).
If any leaks are detected, turn the gas
supply o , ghten the leaking connec-
on and re-check.
Make sure all checklist items have
been completed.
Water Heater Loca on
Installa on area free of corrosive
or ammable materials, liquids or
Proper clearances from combus ble
surfaces maintained and su cient
room to service the water heater.
Not installed directly on a carpeted
Metal drain pan installed and piped
to an adequate drain.
Water heater not located near an
air moving device (fan, clothes
Not in a loca on with large
amounts of lint, dust, etc. (If so,
the air lter or ame arrestor
located on the bo om of the water
heater will need to be cleaned
more o en.)
Combus on Air Supply and
Ven la on
Adequate air supply for water
heater and any other nearby gas
If the water heater is installed in a
closet or other small, enclosed space
or within the living space of the
house, air supply openings needed.
Are the openings of su cient size?
Ductwork is the same cross-sec-
onal area as the openings?
Outside air openings are preferred
and may be required in ghtly built
Vent Pipe System
New dra hood, properly installed.
Vent pipe securely fastened to
dra hood with screws and sup-
ported properly.
Vent pipe made of approved mate-
rial and either 2” or 3” in diameter.
Vent system installed according
to local and state codes or, in the
absence of local and state codes,
the “Na onal Fuel Gas Code”, ANSI