Installation Guide

Residen al Standard Gas Water Heater Use and Care Guide • 23
Residen al Standard Gas Water Heater Use and Care Guide • 23
Z223.1(NFPA 54)-current edi on.
Check exis ng vent system for rust,
restric ons/obstruc ons.
Water System Piping
Temperature and pressure relief
valve properly installed with a
discharge line run to an adequate
drain and protected from freezing.
Water pipes free of leaks.
Water heater completely lled with
Thermal Expansion Tank installed
Water Pressure Reducing Valve
installed and adjusted to 50-60 psi.
Thermosta c Mixing Valves in-
stalled at each point-of-use.
Gas Supply and Piping
Gas type is the same as that listed
on the water heaters data plate.
Gas line equipped with shut-o
Adequate gas pipe size and ap-
proved gas pipe material.
All gas connec ons and ngs leak
checked and any leaks corrected.