Instruction for Use

IMPORTANT: This refrigerator is designed for indoor, household
and similar applications such as:
Staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working
Farmhouses and by clients in hotels, motels and other
residential type environments.
Bed and breakfast type environments.
Install the refrigerator in a dry and well-ventilated place.
To ensure proper ventilation for your refrigerator, allow for a ¹⁄"
(1.25 cm) of space on each side and at the top. Allow for a 1"
(2.54 cm) space behind the refrigerator. If your refrigerator has an
ice maker, allow extra space at the back for the water line
connections. When installing your refrigerator next to a fixed wall,
leave a 3³⁄₄" (9.5 cm) minimum space between the refrigerator and
wall to allow the door to swing open.
NOTE: Keep the refrigerator ventilation openings clear.
This refrigerator is designed for operation in places where the
temperature comes within the following ranges, according to the
climatic class shown on the rating plate. The refrigerator may not
work properly if it is left for a long time at a temperature outside
the specified range.
NOTE: It is recommended that you do not install the refrigerator
near a heat source, such as an oven or radiator.
Handle Removal and Replacement
Measure the door opening and the depth and width of the
refrigerator. Remove handles or doors, if necessary.
Refrigerator Door Handles
IMPORTANT: To avoid scratching the finish, do not press the
handles into the refrigerator when replacing them.
To remove the handle:
1. Grasp the lower part of the handle firmly, slide the handle up
and pull the handle straight out from the door.
2. Repeat Step 1 to remove the handle from the adjacent door.
To replace the handle:
1. Position the handle so that the large holes in the mounting
clips are down and align the holes with the door studs.
2. Rotate the handle so that the mounting clips are flat against
the door and slide the handle down to engage.
Freezer Drawer Handle
To remove the handle:
1. Slide the handle to the left to disengage the slots in the
mounting clip from the drawer studs, and pull it off of the
To replace the handle:
1. Position the handle so that the large holes in the mounting
clips are aligned with the door studs.
2. Rotate the handle so that the mounting clips are flat against
the drawer and slide the handle toward the right to engage.
Remove and Replace Doors and Hinges
IMPORTANT: Contact a qualified engineer to perform this task.
Climatic Class Amb. T. (°C) Amb. T. (°F)
SN From 10 to 32 From 50 to 90
N From 16 to 32 From 61 to 90
ST From 16 to 38 From 61 to 100
T From 16 to 43 From 61 to 110
3³⁄₄" (9.5 cm)
¹⁄₂" (1.25 cm)