Operating instructions

The f ilter pre vent s lar ger remn ant s of food or ot her objects f rom get ting i nsi de th e p um.
The residues may block the filter, in this case they must be removed.
The filter system consi sts of a coar se fi lter, a flat (Main f il ter )
A n d a micro fil t e r( F i ne fi lte r ) .
Food and soil particles trapped in this filter are pulverized by a
specia l jet on t he l owe r spray ar m a nd w ashe d d own to d rain .
Larg er it em s, s uc h as pi e c es of bo ne s or glas s, tha t coul d b lo c k
the drain are trapped in the coarse filter. To remove the items
caugh t by t he filter, gen tly s que eze the tap o n th e to p of t his
filter and lift out.
This filter holds soil and food residues in the sump area and
prevents it from being redeposit on the dishes during wash cycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Filter assembly
The filter efficiently
For b est p erfo rm ance and res ults, the f il te r must b e cle aned re gul arly. t his r easo n, i t is a goo d ide a to
r emo ve th e la rger foo d par ticl es tr app ed in the filte r aft er e ach was h cyc le b y rin sing the s em icirc ula r filte r an d
c up u nder ru nnin g wa ter. To re mo ve th e fil ter d evic e, p ull th e c up ha ndle in t he u pward d irect ion.
re mo ves f ood part icle s fro m t he wa sh w ate r, all owing it to be recycle d d uring the cycl e.
T he di sh was her mus t n e ver be u sed w i t hout the filt er s.
Imp ro per r ep lace men t of the f ilter may red uce the perform an ce level o f t he applian ce
and damage dishes and utensils.
St ep 1 Turn the filter in ant i-cl ockwise d irection,
t hen li ft it up.
St ep 2 lift the Ma in fil te r up
Step 3 lift theF ine filter up
When following this procedure fro m step 1 to step 3, the filter system will b e removed;
when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the f ilter system will be installed.
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