User Manual and Operating Guide

To re view the sec tion on troublesho oting Tips
will help you to solve some common problems
by yourse lf .
Dear Cu stom er ,
Please carefully read this manual before using the
dishwasher, it will help you t o use and maintain t he
di shw a sher pro perl y.
Pass it on to any subsequent owner of the appliance.
Thi s ma nua l c on tain s sec t ion s on s afe ty In struct ion s,
Operating Instructions, Installation Instructions and
Tr ou bl es hooti ng Tips , etc .
The manufa ctu rer, f ollowing a pol icy of c onst ant
develo pment a nd u pdati ng of t he pr oduc t, may
make modi ficat ions wit hout gi ving prior notice .
Di shw as h er F e at ure s.. ...... .. .. ... . ... .. .. . ... . ... .. . .. . ..3
A Wa te r S oft ener.. .... ...... ....... .. .... ... ... ..... .....4 ..
At tentio n b efore o r afte r loadi ng the Di shwash er
Baskets................................. .........................9
Filtering System..................... ........................14
Caring for the Di shwasher..... ..... ........... .........15.
How to use the 3 in 1 function............................8
B L oad in g the S a lt into t he S of t en er...... ...... ... . .5
C Fill t he Ri nse Aid D ispenser..... ...... .. .. .. 5 ... .. ...
D Function of Dete rgent ............ ......... ....6
Loading the upper .......... ......... ............9Ba sket
Loa ding the Lower .......... .....................10Basket
Cutlery Basket........ ................................... ...11
Wash Cycle Table............................. ..............12
Turning on theAppliance....... .........................13
Change the Programme.............. ....... ..... ....13....
At the End of the Wash Cycle...........................13
Positioning the Appliance................... ..........16..
Wate r Co nnecti on. ... . ..... ... . ... ... ... .. .... ... .. ..... ..17.
A bout Power C o nnec ti on. ... . ..... . .. ... .... ... . ...... .1 6.
St art of dishwasher................................ ... ...18..
Before calling for servi ce. ......................... . .....19.
Error codes.................................... ..............20.
Technical information...... ........................ .....21..
Control Panel...................................................3
Keep it to refer to it at a later date.
If yo u can not solv e the pro blems b y you rself ,
please ask fo r the help o f p rofe ssional techn ician s.