Product specifications

Turbo cool
The Inverter features a Turbo function, similar
to the jet function of other models, but with
an increased fan speed and thus quicker cooling
or heating of the room. The set temperature in
cooling mode is 18°, while in the heating mode
it is 32°C. To exit TURBO mode press the TURBO
button again.
Ever more energy effi cient
Inverter technology controls the electrical
frequency of the compressor according to the
cooling and heating load of a room. When less
power is needed, frequency is lowered, therefore
reducing electricity consumption. The savings in
energy consumption can be as high as 30% when
compared to conventional technology.
More precise, more comfortable
The Inverter’s unique frequency conversion
technology ensures that deviations from the set
temperature are minimized without having to
frequently switch the unit on and off. The room
temperature fl uctuation is kept within a minimal
+/- 0,5°C range, which adds to the high standard
of comfort.
Selected temperature is reached faster than with
conventional air conditioners. The high frequency
operation at start-up increases cooling/heating
capacity by 30% to 50%, hence reaching set
temperature twice as fast.
Inverter technology is providing quick and comfortable cooling whilst saving energy