Instruction for Use

Piping Joints Thermal Insulation:
Wrap the piping joints with thermal insulating materials and then wrap with a vinyl tape.
Thermal Insulation piping:
a. Place the drain hose under the piping.
b. Insulation material: polythene foam over 6mm in thickness.
NOTE: Drain hose is prepared by user.
Drain hose should point downward for easy
drain flow. Do not twist the drain pipe, leave it
sticking out or waving around, do not immerse
the end in water. If an extension drain hose is
connected to the drain pipe, make sure to be
thermally insulated when passing it through the
indoor unit.
When the piping is directed to the right, piping,
power cable and drain hose should be thermally
insulated and fixed at the rear of the unit.
Piping Connection:
a. Connect indoor unit pipes with two wrenches. Pay
special attention to the torque allowed as shown
below to prevent the pipes, connectors and flare
nuts from being deformed and damaged.
b. At first fingers-tighten them, then use the wrenches.
Thermal insulation
Wrapped with vinyl type
Pipe size Torque Nut width Min. thickness
Liquid Side (1/4 inch) 1.5~2kg.m 17mm 0.5mm
Liquid Side (3/8 inch) 3.1~3.5kg.m 22mm 0.6mm
Gas Side (3/8 inch) 3.1~3.5kg.m 22mm 0.6mm
Gas Side (1/2 inch) 5.0~5.5kg.m 24mm 0.8mm
Gas Side (5/8 inch) 6.0~6.5kg.m 27mm 0.8mm
Gas Side (3/4 inch) 7.0~7.5kg.m 32mm 1.0mm
Large pipe
insulated tube
Small pipe
Drain hose
(prepared by user)
Power connecting