
Dear Consumer
his brief guide is for people whose
duty is to ensure the smooth
running of the home.
One of the main chores in any
household is undoubtedly doing the
Washing itself is not the most demanding of
jobs: there's the washing machine! But
there's washing...and there's washing, and
then of course the ironing, and putting
everything away, not to mention the fact
that day in, day out, our clothes are the
target for an army of treacherous enemies:
To cope in style with all of this, you need
experience, and having experience means
knowing the methods, the solutions and -
why not? - the tricks of the trade.
You'll find all these in this user manual.
Keep it handy and consult it whenever you
find yourself in doubt: golden rules are
made specially to be put into practice every

Summary of content (32 pages)