Installation Guide

The outside end of main vent should have a sweep elbow
directed downward.
If main vent travels vertically through the roof, rather than
through wall, install a 180° sweep elbow on end of vent at least
2 ft. (610 mm) above surface of roof.
The opening in wall or roof shall have a diameter 1⁄2" (13 mm)
larger than vent diameter. Vent should be centered in opening.
Do not install screening over end of vent for best performance.
12" min.
(305 mm)*
If an Exhaust Hood Cannot be Used
24" min.
(610 mm)
* Minimum clearance above any
accumulation of snow, ice, or
debris such as leaves
30˚ max.
Air ow
Air Flow
A main vent can be used for venting a group of dryers. The
main vent should be sized to remove 5663 l/min. (200 CFM) of
air per dryer. Large-capacity lint screens of proper design may
be used in main vent if checked and cleaned frequently. The
room where the dryers are located should have make-up air
(air supply) equal to or greater than CFM of all the dryers in the
Back-draft dampers are available from your distributor and
should be installed in the vent of each dryer to keep exhausted
air from returning into dryers and to keep exhaust in balance
within main vent. Unobstructed return air openings are required.
Each single-load dryer should have an unobstructed outdoor
air opening of 24 in.
(154 cm
) (based on 1 in.
[6.5 cm
] per
1,000 Btu [252 kcal]), common make-up air openings are also
acceptable. Set up common openings so the make-up air is
distributed equally to all of the dryers. Keep in mind that the
coverage area must be increased by 33% to account for the
use of registers or louvers over the openings. Also, make-up
air openings should not be installed near the location where
exhaust vents exit the building.
Each vent should enter the main vent at an angle pointing in
the direction of the airow. Vents entering from the opposite
side should be staggered to reduce the exhausted air from
interfering with the other vents.
The maximum angle of each vent entering the main vent should
not be more than 30°.
Keep air openings free of dry cleaning uid fumes. Fumes
create acids which, when drawn through the dryer heating
units, can damage dryers and items being dried.
A clean-out cover should be located on the main vent for
periodic cleaning of the vent system.
NOTE: For more dryer venting information, please refer to
Whirlpool document W10100920.
Multiple Dryer Venting