Technical Specs

The following table summarizes button function among the diagnostic sub-modes.
Diagnostic Mode Button Function Table
Function in
Function in Function in Diag.
Function in Diag.
Function in Diag. Cycle
Diag. Code Display Flashing Cycle Running Sub-Mode Cycle Running Sub-Mode Running Sub-Mode
Button Display Sub-Mode Sub-Mode (Washer Running) (Dryer Running) (Dryer & Washer Running)
LOWER LEFT Ignore Toggle Customer Go to help mode Toggle Customer Go to help mode
(HOT) BUTTON Wash Cycle Credit Wash Cycle Credit
LOWER MIDDLE Acknowledge Diag. Start Washer Quick Ignore Start Washer Quick Ignore
(WARM) BUTTON Code (Keep Code) Overview Test Cycle Overview Test Cycle
Go to Set-up Mode
LOWER RIGHT Clear Diag. Code Exit Diag. Display Cancel Diag. Cycle Cancel Diag. Cycle Cancel Diag. Cycles
(COLD) BUTTON Exit Diag. Code Flashing Sub-Mode Go to Set-up Mode Go to Set-up Mode Go to Set-up Mode
Display Sub-Mode Go to Set-up Mode
Go to Display
Flashing Sub-Mode
CENTER LEFT (COTTON/ Ignore Start Washer Manual Ignore Start Washer Manual Ignore
WHITES) BUTTON Overview Test Cycle Overview Test Cycle
CENTER MIDDLE Ignore Start Washer Quick Ignore Start Washer Quick Ignore
(PERM PRESS) BUTTON Spin Cycle Spin Cycle
CENTER RIGHT (COLORS/ Ignore Start Washer Ignore Start Washer Ignore
DELICATES) BUTTON Cleanout Cycle Cleanout Cycle
UPPER LEFT (COTTON/ Ignore Ignore Ignore Increment dryer test Increment dryer test
WHITES) BUTTON time by one minute time by one minute
Rolls from 99 back Rolls from 99 back
to 2 minutes to 2 minutes
UPPER MIDDLE Acknowledge Diag. Start Dryer Field Start Dryer Field Ignore Ignore
(PERM PRESS) BUTTON Code (Keep Code) Diag. Cycle Diag. Cycle
Go to Set-up Mode
UPPER RIGHT (COLORS/ Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore
Help mode is entered by pressing the lower left (HOT) button
while in special pricing option 2.XX (or while dAS displays if
operating with Generation 2 card reader). In help mode, the
software revision is displayed. The help mode is advanced
by pressing the lower middle (WARM) button. See Help Mode
Submenu on page 13 for the order in which items are displayed.
Press the lower left (HOT) button at any time to exit help mode.
00 No Help Code
OF Oversuds detected during cycle, and washer was not able to resolve
an unbalance condition detected during the final spin related to the
oversuds detection (via pressure sensor) earlier in the cycle
32 More than six unbalance retries during the final spin – spin (and cycle)
has been aborted
33 Oversuds detected during wash cycle, and washer was not able to
resolve the condition – cycle has been aborted. Washer unable to
sense that water has been fully drained within required time, sensing
as an oversuds condition
71 Generation 2 debit card cycle polling message out of sequence
74 Generation 2 debit card remaining balance message out of sequence
75 Generation 2 debit card new card balance message out of sequence
88 Invalid messaging state found in data acquisition communications
comm_suprv ( ) routine
99 Mismatch of cycle settings between CCU and UI. Wash cycle may not
run as defined by card reader setup
Help Codes