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Direct vent water heaters use concentric venng.
Combuson air is drawn from outside through a
5” diameter vent pipe. Combuson gasses are vented to
outside through a 3” diameter pipe.
Direct Vent
All combuson air is drawn from
outside the home and exhaust
gas is vented to outside using a
concentric vent.
Power Vent
All combuson air is drawn from
inside the home and exhaust gas
is power vented to the outside
using PVC pipe.
Power Direct Vent
All combuson air is drawn from
outside the home, and exhaust
gas is vented outside, oen via
PVC pipe. A concentric vent or
separate pipes can be used.
Atmospheric Vent
All combuson air is drawn from
inside the home and exhaust gas
is vented using metal pipe.
Direct vent water heaters also depend on the buoyancy of
hot combuson gasses for proper venng but are
generally used where vercal venng is not possible or
desirable. Because they draw their combuson air from
outside the structure, they do not waste condioned air
from inside. The most important consideraon with direct
venng is that the water heater must be located very
close to an exterior wall.