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As water is heated, it becomes more corrosive and
expands. These two condions can create safety issues,
but modern water heaters are designed with features to
insure safe operaon. These concepts and other safety
issues will be covered in this secon.
Galvanic Corrosion
A water heater is very much like a large baery. Water is
conducve allowing electrical current to pass through it.
High concentraons of dissolved minerals and an acidic pH
can increase water conducvity.
A water heater tank is made from dierent types of metal
with the tank being steel, the elements being copper, and
ngs which may be brass, steel, galvanized steel or
Small electrical currents ow between these dierent
types of materials using the water as a conductor.
The material that the current ows from is called the
anode. The material that the current ows to is called the
cathode. The anode’s surface will corrode. This process is
called galvanic corrosion.
The inside of the tank is lined with a glass coang to
prevent galvanic corrosion. The coang is sprayed on in a
liquid form, dried at about 300°F, then red at about
1,600°F to fuse the glass to the steel. Although the glass
lining provides excellent protecon from galvanic
corrosion, small unprotected areas may sll exist such as
the inside of ngs welded to the tank.
To protect any vulnerable areas of the tank, an anode rod
is installed. The anode rod is a sacricial part made of alu-
minum or magnesium. Electrical current will ow from the
anode rod to the tank providing cathodic.
Over me the anode rod will corrode away and will need
to be replaced.
Another way to help protect the tank against galvanic
corrosion is by installing dielectric water connecons.
Dielectric connecons break the electrical circuit between
the tank and the home piping. Dielectric connecons
provide the most benet in older homes where galvanized
pipes were installed. Newer homes usually have copper or
plasc pipes which are less suscepble to galvanic