
Copyright© by AOS 2015. All rights reserved.
Sizing and Performance
Water heaters require roune maintenance to ensure they
remain in ecient operang condion. The following
components should be periodically checked, and any
noted maintenance issues should be immediately
T&P Valve
The T&P valve should be manually operated at least once a
year to insure that it is working properly. Stand clear of
the outlet and slowly li and release the lever handle.
Allow the valve to operate freely and return to its closed
posion. If the valve fails to reset and connues to
discharge water, it will need to be replaced.
Drain and Flush
It is recommended that the tank be drained and ushed
periodically to remove sediment which may build up
during operaon.
Anode Rod
The anode rod should be visually inspected every three
years. If it is more than 50% depleted it should be
Gas Water Heater Inspecon
Gas water heaters should be inspected periodically
according to instrucons in the installaon manual.
A visual inspecon should be made of the venng system,
piping systems, main burner and pilot burner. Look for
obstrucons, damage or deterioraon of the venng
system. The pilot and main burner should be free of soot
and carbon. Verify that the burner is producing a so blue
ame. Also look for leaking or damaged water and gas
Lint Buildup - Gas Water Heaters
Lint buildup reduces the amount of combuson air
available starving the burner of oxygen. This condion can
increase the amount of carbon monoxide released,
creang a potenal health hazard. It is a good idea to
inspect the lter at regular intervals and clean it as
necessary to promote good air ow to the unit.
Maintenance videos are located at