Service Manual

Whirlpool Smart All-In-One Washer & Dryer
Theory of Operation
The illustraon below gives a brief descripon of the components involved specically on a Dry Cycle. Knowledge on the
system’s physical parts is needed in order to properly diagnose and troubleshoot the “all-in-one” washer/dryer.
1. Blower - Generates process air ow through the heater
channel, tub, and condenser duct.
2. Air Heater - Heats the air so it gets into the tub at high
temperature and reduced relave humidity.
3. Heater Channel - Conducts hot process air into the tub, so
it can remove humidity from the laundry.
4. Inlet Air NTC - Used as a feedback for the air heater
Control Soware.
5. Drain Pump - Pumps out condensed humidity and cooling
valve water that accumulates in the sump.
6. Sump NTC - Used as a feedback for the Auto-Dry Cycle
terminaon algorithms (apart from being used in heated
wash cycles).
7. Condenser Duct - Process air goes through condenser
duct to “get dry” - humidity is condensed and drained out
of the “all-in-one” washer/dryer.
8. Cooling Valve - Used to spray water into the condenser
duct, to cool down the process air and condense humidity.
Air Heater
Heater Channel
Inlet Air NTC
Drain Pump
Cooling Valve
Condenser Duct
Sump NTC
Dry Cycle - Illustraon
Figure 1 - Dry Cycle Theory of Operation
Dry Cycle - Theory of Operaon