Owner's Manual

The normal operation of the range will include several noises that
may be heard each time the bake or broil burners ignite during the
cooking cycle:
Gas valves may make a “popping” sound when opening or
A “poof” sound is heard when a bake or broil burner ignites.
Odors and smoke are normal when the oven is used the rst few
times or when it is heavily soiled.
IMPORTANT: The health of some birds is extremely sensitive to
the fumes given off. Exposure to the fumes may result in death
to certain birds. Always move birds to another closed and well-
ventilated room.
Oven Cooking
Oven Control
To use your oven, turn the oven control dial counterclockwise to
the desired temperature. When the control is turned on, the bake
burner turns to full power until the set temperature is reached,
then temperature is maintained by the bottom burner cycling on
and off.
Oven Light
The switch located at the right of the control panel turns the oven
light on and off.
Use the following chart as a guide for cookware material
Cookware Characteristics
Heats quickly and evenly.
Suitable for all types of cooking
Medium or heavy thickness is best for
most cooking tasks.
Cast iron
Heats slowly and evenly.
Good for browning and frying
Maintains heat for slow cooking.
Ceramic or
ceramic glass
Follow manufacturer’s instructions.
Heats slowly but unevenly.
Ideal results on low- to medium-heat
Heats very quickly and evenly.
May leave copper residues which may
be diminished if cleaned immediately
after cooking.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions.
Use on low-heat settings.
or cast iron
See stainless steel or cast iron.
Stainless steel
Heats quickly but unevenly.
A core or base of aluminum or copper
on stainless steel provides even
For best results, the cookware should be centered above the
burner with the bottom sitting level on the grate. The ame should
be adjusted so that it does not extend up the sides of the pan.
Home Canning
When canning for long periods, alternate the use of surface
burners between batches. This allows time for the most-recently
used areas to cool.
Center the canner on the grate above the burner.
Do not place canner on 2 surface burners at the same time.
For more information, contact your local agricultural extension
ofce or refer to published home canning guides. Companies
that manufacture home canning products can also offer