Instruction manual

6. Cut 17³⁄₄" (45.1 cm) from the long end of Hose B and discard.
7. Secure the remaining Hose B to Tube 1 with a green hose
8. Route the other end of Hose B to the front right side panel
grommet hole.
NOTE: For details concerning the mounting of the drain trap,
refer to “Horizontal Drain Trap Mounting.”
9. Insert the short end of each Tube 2 through the side panel
grommet holes.
10. Secure the tubes to Hose A and Hose B with the green hose
NOTE: Ensure hoses and tubes maintain a downward slope
for proper drainage and that they are not kinked or binding.
Upright Standard Connections—Right Side Upflow
(Counterflow Similar)
Alternate Vent/Flue Drain Hose Connections
Upright installations using the alternate vent/flue outlet will
require right side only drain hoses to be connected as follows.
Refer to Vent/Flue Pipe and Combustion Air Pipe” for details on
alternate vent/flue pipe connection.
1. Remove the rubber plug from the right-side drain port on the
front cover. Save the rubber plug for later use.
2. Secure Hose A to the drain port on the front cover with a red
hose clamp.
3. Route Hose A to the rear right side panel grommet hole.
4. Remove the grommet from the front right side panel drain
5. Seal the hole in the grommet with the large end of the rubber
plug removed in Step 1.
6. Reinstall the grommet and rubber plug into the side panel
drain hole.
7. Cut ¹⁄₄" (6.4 cm) from the end of the drain port on the
externally mounted rubber elbow. Discard cut portion.
8. Insert Tube 1 into the rubber elbow drain port and secure with
a silver hose clamp.
NOTE: Angle tube toward drain trap.
9. Cut 17⁷⁄" (45.4 cm) from the long end of Hose B. Discard cut
10. Secure the remaining end of Hose B to the exposed end of
Tube 1 with a green hose clamp.
11. Route Hose B toward the right side panel grommet holes.
12. Insert the short end of one Tube 2 through the rear right side
panel grommet drain hole.
13. Secure Tube 2 to Hose A with a green hose clamp.
14. Insert the short end of the remaining Tube 2 into Hose B from
the rubber elbow and secure with a green hose clamp.
15. Ensure that the hoses and tubes maintain a downward slope
for proper drainage and are not kinked or binding.
Alternate Upright Upflow Connections—Right Side Only
(Counterflow Similar)
Upright Installations—Trap on Left Side
NOTE: For left side trap installation, grommets must be moved to
the left side of the furnace and the plugs installed on the right
side of the furnace.
1. Remove the rubber plug from the left side of the front cover
drain port.
2. Secure Hose A to the front cover drain port with a red hose
3. Route Hose A to the rear side panel grommet hole.
4. Cut and remove ¹⁄₄" (6.4 cm) from the end of the drain port on
the rubber elbow.
5. Insert Tube 1 into the rubber elbow drain port and secure with
the silver hose clamp. Angle Tube 1 outward toward the front
of the furnace.
6. Cut X" from the long end of Hose B and discard. Refer to the
following table for the appropriate length to cut.
7. Secure the remaining Hose B to Tube 1 with a green hose
8. Route the other end of Hose B to the front left side panel
grommet hole.
NOTE: Long Hose B must always be connected to Tube 1 and
the elbow and not on the front cover.
9. Insert the short end of each Tube 2 through the side panel
grommet holes.
10. Secure the tubes to Hose A and Hose B with the green hose
NOTE: Ensure hoses and tubes maintain a downward slope
for proper drainage and that they are not kinked or binding.
A. Right side panel
B. Rubber elbow
C. Rubber elbow drain
D. Red hose clamps
E. Tube 1
F. Hose B
G. Side panel
grommet holes
H. Tubes 2
I. Drain trap
J. Green hose clamps (3)
K. Hose A
L. Front cover drain port
A. Front cover drain port
B. Rubber elbow (externally mounted)
C. Rubber elbow drain port
D. Silver hose clamp
E. Tube 1
F. Green hose clamps (3)
G. Hose B
H. Side panel grommet holes
I. Drain trap
J. Tubes 2
K. Hose A
L. Red hose clamp