Troubleshooting guide

Product Specifications
Rated Service Flow Rate (gpm) 10.0
Amount of High Capacity Resin (cu ft) 1.26
Pressure Drop at Rated Service Flow (psig) 11
Water Supply Max. Hardness (gpg) 125
Water Supply Max. Clear Water I ron (ppm)* 12
Water Pressure Limits (min./ max. psi) 20 --- 125
Min. --- Max. Water Temperature (˚F) 40 --- 120
Min. Water Supply Flow Rate (gpm) 3
Max. Drain Flow Rate (gpm) 2.3
Salt storage capacity 300 lbs.
*Capacity to remove clear water iron is substantiated by WQA test data. State of Wisconsin requires
additional treatment if water supply contains clear wa ter iron exceeding 5 ppm.
Performance Claims
Rated Softening Capacity
(Grains @ Salt Dose)
13,300 @ 2.6 lbs.
35,700 @ 9.9 lbs.
45,400 @ 17.2 lbs.
Rated Efficiency (Grains/Pound of Salt @
Minimum Salt D ose)
5,120 @ 2.6 lbs.
This system conforms to NSF/ANSI 44 for the specific performance claims as verified and
substantiated by test data.
The efficiency rating is only valid at the stated salt dose. This softener was efficiency rated according
to NSF/ANSI Standard 44.
Variable Salt Dose
The salt dose is selected by the electronic controls at regeneration time based on the amount needed.