Owner's Manual - English

Efficiency Icon
In the state of California: You must turn the Salt
Efficiency Fea ture ON. This may initiate more
frequent recharges. However, it will operate at
4,000 grains per pound of salt or higher.
Customizing Features / Options
Whenever the softener has water flowing from the
outlet port, the display will show water droplets scroll-
ing down the right hand side of the screen (See
Figure 26). The faster the water flow, the faster the
droplets will flash.
When this feature is ON, the water softener will oper-
ate at salt efficiencies of 4000 grains of hardness per
pound of salt or higher (May recharge more often
using smaller salt dosage and less water). The sof-
tener is shipped with this feature set OFF.
1. Press and hold the PROGRAM button until the
screen in Figure 24 is displayed. Once in this dis-
play, press the PROGRAM button once and one of
the two displays in Figure 25 is shown.
FIG. 26
Droplets indicate water
flow through softener
2. Press the r UP or s DOWN buttons to set ON or
OFF. When set to ON, the efficiency icon will be
displayed in the lower left hand corner of the nor-
mal run display.
FIG. 24
FIG. 25
3. Press the PROGRAM button five times to return to
the normal run display.
FIG. 27
2. Press the r UP or s DOWN buttons to set ON or
3. Press the PROGRAM button four times to return to
the normal run display.
The Clean / Clear Water Iron Reduction feature
(described above) may be adjusted, from 1 to 30 min-
utes in length. To change this cycle time, use the UP
button to increase the time, or the DOWN button to
shorten the time. The default value for this feature is
7 minutes.
1. Press and hold the PROGRAM button until the
screen in Figure 24 is displayed. Once in this dis-
play, press the PROGRAM button three times and
the display in Figure 28 is shown.
This feature is beneficial on water supplies containing
ferrous (clear water) iron. The default setting is OFF.
hen this feature is set to ON, an additional back-
wash and fast rinse cycle will occur first, preceding
the normal regeneration sequence. This provides
extra cleaning of the resin bed before it is regenerat-
ed with the salt brine. To conserve water set this fea-
ture OFF if your water supply does not contain iron or
1. Press and hold the PROGRAM button until the
screen in Figure 24 is displayed. Once in this dis-
play, press the PROGRAM button twice and one of
the two displays in Figure 27 is shown.
2. Press the
r UP or s DOWN buttons to set the
number of minutes.
3. Press the PROGRAM button three times to return
to the normal run display.
FIG. 28